He’s back! Twelfman has finally remembered the password to the clubhouse and the rest of them have finally let him in again.
This week (lol) they’re talking about the the latest FAQ that gone done been released, a tournament that Mike went to, vampire discussion, as well as all sorts of bits of news about Thrud, declaring the short story contest winner, and even about books. Also, Twelfman slags off Glowworm about four times. What’s that guys problem?
We round it off with a Bloodblusters from Nazgob involving complicated scenarios and detailed analysis. What could go wrong?
00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:00 – God, just so much stuff.
02:17:00ish – End
Episode One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Five: FAQ You I Won’t Do What You Tell Me
Shirts and Stuff: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/abao
ps! Twelfman’s book is now out. You can buy it! Or, not. Whatever you want. Look, forget I mentioned it okay? Find it here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Advocatus-R-Turner-ebook/dp/B09L31CMKQ/