A, uh, slightly shorter episode than normal for one reason or another… Look, recording podcasts is hard, okay? Things go wrong sometimes! Just-just leave me alone! sobs
What (else) could go wrong?
-01:30:23 – Really good content all about the Blood Bath tournament.
-00:1:33 – The Realisation.
00:00:00 – Intro v2.0
00:00:01 – Chorfs and Bloodblusters until end
01:15:00ish – End
Episode One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Eight: Chorf, son of Mogh
ps! Twelfman’s book is now out. You can buy it! Or, not. Whatever you want. Look, forget I mentioned it okay? Find it here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Advocatus-R-Turner-ebook/dp/B09L31CMKQ/