COP 26: Sound the Call - Rev. Susan Hendershot

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Nov 03 2021 28 mins  

On the second day of COP 26, Jakir met up with Reverend Susan Hendershot. Rev. Susan Hendershot has served as president of Interfaith Power & Light since 2018. She was raised in a blue-collar family outside of Cleveland, Ohio. After graduate school, she moved to Iowa, where she was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and served as a pastor in local congregations, focusing on social justice. Since the year 2000, Interfaith Power & Light has partnered with thousands of congregations to address climate change by stewarding Creation.

For more information about Hazon at COP 26, visit  For more information about Interfaith Power & Light, visit

Note: These episodes are not published on the same day they are recorded, some of the conversations may not reflect breaking news at COP 26.