COP 26: Sound the Call - Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed

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Nov 05 2021 25 mins  

Nigel has met up with long time Hazon friend, Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed. They discuss their experience at COP26, Tareq's work at the Arava Institute, and the nuances, challenges, opportunities ahead that lay ahead for the American Jewish, Israeli, and Palestinian environmental movements. Dr. Abu Hamed is from East Jerusalem and holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Ankara University (Turkey). In 2008, he established the Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) at the Arava Institute. He left the Institute in 2013 to become the Israeli Ministry of Science’s Deputy Chief Scientist, and later the Acting Chief Scientist, the highest ranking Palestinian in the Israeli government. He returned to the Arava Institute in 2016 as Director of CREEC and Academic Director, and was appointed Executive Director in 2021.

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies is a leading environmental studies and research institute in the Middle East. With a student body comprised of Jordanians, Palestinians, Israelis, and participants from around the world, their mission is to advance cross-border environmental cooperation in the face of political conflict.

For more information about Hazon at COP 26, visit  For more information about the Arava Institute, visit

Note: Due to the nature of live recordings and the internet connectivity in the COP26 pavilion, you may notice some variations in the audio quality of this recording.