COP 26: Sound the Call - Mariana Bergovoy and Noga Levtzion-Nadan

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Nov 07 2021 36 mins  

Jakir and Nigel sit down with Mariana Bergovoy and Noga Levtzion-Nadan - two Israeli climate leaders. Mariana is the Deputy Head of Department and Senior Audit Manager for the State Comptroller of Israel. She co-authored a recent special audit report about climate action taken by the Israeli government. You can find the report in English here. Noga is a Managing Partner at Value^2, a responsible lending house in Tel Aviv, and the CEO of Greeneye. They discuss the impacts of the climate crisis on Israel, how Israeli civil society and the private sector have already responded, and what further action is still needed.

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Note: Due to the nature of live recordings and the internet connectivity in the COP26 pavilion, you may notice some variations in the audio quality of this recording.