TEAM DESTROY: Troy Thornton

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Jun 20 2020 97 mins   3
1-3mins Intro
3:00 Troy’s Own journey into fitness
8:00 Tom platz hack squats tutorial for all the ladies out there chasing quad gains😉
9:00 How Troy got into training women in the bikini division.
10.25 How passion, mindset and drive impresses Troy more than “ideal” genetics.
11:00 The power of having a winning mentality and backing yourself in this sport and life in general. It’s important to give yourself permission to win.
13:22 Traits and attributes that set pro physiques apart from the rest.
15:00 What ladies can expect when they join Team Destroy in terms of Nutrition and Training etc.
Impressively Troy checks in with his athletes daily so he can make changes to the plan if needed.
He stresses that an open communication line is an integral part of being on his team and how it encourages his athletes to remain accountable.
17:30 Troy solely overlooks his clients diet and nutrition. You can be sure the man himself is coaching you when you work with him.
18:15 Listener Question: If a competitor was looking to make a career out of competing- what federation is likely to bring you more financial success? IFBB or WBFF?
20:00 It’s normal for us all to have nerves. Vulnerability can make us all relateable.
21:45 listener question: How much do you think someone’s natural beauty comes into the equation in terms of placing…..
for examples sake lets say someone had a had a larger nose they wanted to get done and a smaller chest but the athlete only had the money for 1 surgery-
What surgery do you think would benefit the athletes placing more?
*disclaimer: we both promote the idea that you should do what makes you happy*
23:20 Are wbff placings based on the whole package &/or is ifbb strictly body composition or does the whole package come into play as well?
24.30: Coaches that Troy respects in the industry? Special mention to @easyjuke and Troy wanted to add in that @frank_carroll is someone he’s noticed over here in Nz doing good things.
30:00 Some of the PED’s that are used in bodybuilding. While we are on the topic Troy has gone into this in detail on one of his podcasts for girls interested in learning further.
33:30 Sarms and some coaches that are possibly better at the marketing side of things rather than the coaching itself
37:25 Hypothetical round.
*Protocol for someone that naturally holds a lot of water?
*Steady state over Hiit?
*Carb sources to fill out on?
*Waist trainers yay or nay?
*planks before waist trainers 😍
*meal plan or macros?
*Does a bikini athlete have to lift heavy in order to grow or do you prefer time under tension and mind.m.connection?
Do you have a theory on why brunettes kill it on the international stage?
47:15 posing do’s and don’ts from a males perspective. Tip: smile and enjoy yourself. Milk it’s your day ❤️
49:15 Pumping up protocol
51:00 Where is the look of bikini going?
52.25 Why not just do full body workouts?
54:15 Train for symmetry and proportion. Analyse what needs to be worked on
55:00 Training abs specifically?
56:00 If you had to run into a supermarket and choose 1 bang for buck:Carb, Protein & Fat source what would you choose
57:00 Exercises for top, medial, lower glute
1:00 Do you find many women you work with are hard gainers or do you have to be quite unlucky not to grow if you’re putting the work and prioritising your food.
1:03 Talking through the top 5 at Olympia 19’
1:12 How do you deal with clients that leave you for a new coach (something that happens in every sport)
1:13 How do you feel when clients of yours start up a coaching business?
1:15 listener question- What is the first and the last thing you would alter when needing to make a change in a clients plan.
1:16 Troys interests outside of bodybuilding
1:17 I think Troy and I both love a good possible conspiracy theory so I had to ask him any that may have some possible truth to them?
1:25 Where Troy sees Team Destroy in the next 5 years.

For the listeners wanting to reach out: @troyjthorton