E.110 Reflecting on the World Education Summit with Anne-Marie Duguid

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Apr 18 2024 24 mins   1

A month on from the live Word Education Summit event I had the opportunity to reflect on how it went with co-founder Anne-Marie. If you're wondering where and how to work your way through the epic resources that is WES, this is a must-listen.

Anne-Marie shares her highlights, some top tips for where to start as well as the 12 key thoughts that emerged for her:

  1. AI is here but it can’t do everything (yet)

  2. Fulfilled and flourishing leaders

  3. Being intentional

  4. Culture still matters

  5. Belonging

  6. The sweet spot

  7. Take down the tick box

  8. Learning still needs to go deeper

  9. New language or old?

  10. Voices matter

  11. The importance of wisdom

  12. Hope