SHOW and TELL 6/17/2020

Jun 16 2020 37 mins   6
To show and share your project at 7pm today, view the chat or in discord and look for the JOIN link to join. For best results be on a wired connection and have a headset and mic! ______________________________________________________________________________ Kevin (Digi-Key) @1:18 - pool temperature monitor Melissa @4:42 - LED message board with raspberry pi 3 Noe & Pedro @6:25 - RGB matrix slot machine using circuit python John Park @10:50 -digital protest sign and 3D printed Apex Legends Pathfinder Scott @15:50 - pcb memory boot loader on circuit python PaintYourDragon @22:53 - Radio Shack computers Model 100 (1983) and Model 102 (1986) Bryan @27:00 - CLUE power relay using circuit python, feather wing, ac adapter, Alex @29:17 - 3D printed thermal cam Liz @31:01 - pybadge Blinka Jump game Mark @32:20- weather station with radiation shield