SHOW and TELL 5/6/2020 LIVE!

May 05 2020 41 mins   8
Scott @0:55 ESP32S2 enumerating on USB as serial port Seon @5:12 ES3P32S2 feather John Park @8:42 CLUE based metronome Melissa @11:56 circuit python blinka support Erin @14:51 LED moss garden Anne @17:37 201 Radio Shack signs kit Phil B. @20:54 CLUE light painter Noe & Pedro @23:22 #D printed PS4 game controller clip-on phone/ lCD display mount Liz @27:54 ANCS bracelet Moheeb @29:52 mini cam studio controller and curiosity rover display using pyportal Mark @35:53 crickit robot