16. Chutzpah Girls with Julie Silverstein and Tami Schlossberg Pruwer

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Nov 23 2024 47 mins  
Melissa and Elisheva get a sneak peek at the gorgeous new book Chutzpah Girls: 100 Tales of Daring Jewish Women and a chance to interview the inspiring authors behind it, Julie Silverstein and Tami Schlossberg Pruwer.

Julie is a messaging strategist and former speechwriter for the Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations. She grew up in San Francisco and now lives in Jerusalem with her husband and five children.

Tami Schlossberg Pruwer is a brand strategist who loves crafting stories for causes she cares about. Tami was born in Milan, Italy, and grew up in Antwerp, Belgium. She now lives in Tel Aviv with her husband and their two children.

Get your copy of Chutzpah Girls on Amazon or from Koren Publishers

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