XLterrestrials present: Solar Punk (2077) Vs. The Hyper-Industrial Hamster Cage Complex (2020) (rc3)

Dec 29 2020 49 mins   3
Discussions/Debates + XLT analysis + Performance XLterrestrials present: Solar Punk Vs. The Hyper-Industrial Hamster Cage Complex Inputs: dr.Podmosis, Ikarie XB-1, The Magellanic Cloud, by Stanisław Lem, Zdeněk Liška, "Neganthropocene" by Bernard Stiegler + the Zero Books interview, Plan C, ROAR Magazine article "Freeing Space" by Dennis Schep, "The Corona Reboot" by Ian Allen Paul, Cory Ondrejka at 22c3... and a few other unspeakable things. about this event: https://pretalx.rc3.studio/rc3-channels-2020/talk/YFSAWQ/