Too many good Americans see our country as the "indispensable nation" – raised up by God for great things, and God will surely continue to use us indefinitely, if only Trump succeeds.But America is already awash in innocent blood, both the unborn and many helpless victims around the world. Very few of us seem to care.We are 35 trillion dollars in debt, with no way out. Societal collapse is all around, with corruption and incompetence. The post office, the police, the courts, the public schools – all are catastrophic failures.Depravity and immorality saturate our own community, which is falling apart before our eyes, with murders, serious losses of population, worse and worse fools elected to run things. Some of them cannot even speak plain intelligible English in the public meetings they conduct!Americans are going to have to let go of our fanciful view that particular nations will survive in the long term, and do great good, and advance the Lord's kingdom.God controls all things, but not for the reasons we'd like Him to!The prophet Daniel declared: God removes kings, and sets up kings. He alone gives wisdom and knowledge.Scan through history and you will find that there have been many great kingdoms and peoples, but in the end, God has destroyed them all, and then raised up other kingdoms and other peoples to take their places.Therefore, it is foolish for us to look to any extent kingdom for our future hope.Babylon had a powerful and cruel king Nebuchadnezzar. He was forced to submit himself to the absolute rule of the God of Heaven.But God had already announced his kingdom's fall and the rise of the Persians.