Your Prayers Can Shape History

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Aug 05 2024 34 mins  

Finish Well Homeschool Podcast, Podcast #214, Your Prayers Can Shape History, with Meredith Curtis on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

Your Prayers Can Shape History

In “Your Prayers Can Shape History,” Episode, #214, join Meredith Curtis for an inspiring look at how God used intercessors during World War II to shape history and turn the tide. We face incredible challenges in our homes and nation today. Should we give up? No! Let the true stories of miraculous answers to prayer encourage you to always pray and never give up! God bless you and God bless America!




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Show Notes

I talk to so many people who are facing challenges in their families and who are so sad to see the direction in which the USA is going. In Luke 18, Jesus tells His disciples a parable so that they would always pray and never give up! He goes on to tell the familiar story of the persistent widow and the judge.

I want to encourage you with some challenging times in history (World War II) where some people chose to pray with all their hearts – and God turned the tide!

Corrie Ten Boom & Family

Corrie’s grandfather starts a prayer meeting.


Prayers behind the Miracles at Dunkirk

Battle of Britain

Prayer & Miraculous Answers during the Battle of Britain.

Battles at El Alamein

The Bible college & a soldier pray and God answer!

How Does This Relate to You

What challenges do you face? Do you need a miracle? That’s the best time to pray!

How Does This Relate to Our Nation

Right now, we face so many challenges. Many Americans are struggling to pay their bills due to inflation. There is corruption in our government. People are rejecting the Constitution and the Bible at the same time. Evil is called good and good is called evil. Our border is wide open with fentanyl, criminals, and sex traffickers crossing our borders. Is there any hope for America?

God is still a God who answers prayer! Our prayers can shape history!

20 Century World History

20 Century World History Online (High School Course at True North Homeschool Academy)

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US Geography Resources

HIS Story of the 20th Century by Meredith Curtis HIS Story of the 20th Century Cookbook by Meredith Curtis and Laura Nolette HIS Story of the 20th Century: High School Workbook by Meredith Curtis HIS Story of the 20th Century High School Workbook Answer Key
Teach 20th Century History the Fun Way HIS Story of the 20th Century Middle School Workbook Answer Key


20 Century World History

20 Century World History Online (High School Course at True North Homeschool Academy)

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