169. New Urbanism 2.0++ in Georgia, the Trilith Experience

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May 30 2024 64 mins   1
In PX117 our guest is Rob Parker, President of Trilith Development, LLC. Rob oversees with a development team the continued growth of the Trilith Township and Film Studios. Trilith is located on the edge of Altana in Fayette County, Georgia. Trilith is in the advance guard of new urbanism practices. Details at https://www.trilith.com

Trilith is a large masterplanned community which seeks to ‘redefine the modern American town’. Based on New Urbanism 2.0++ principles, the town has a vibrant commercial centre, multiple open space places and a diverse range of housing options. It is colocated adjacent the Trilith Film Studios.

Rob describes the passions that drive the Trilith team and the concept of continuous improvement in the creation of new urban spaces. He discusses building for the long term and the high level of detail that goes into making first rate community projects.
Trilith has many unique features. One of the surprising aspects is the popularity of the ‘Trilith Experience’, a tour of not only the film studios but also ‘the intrically designed new urbanist community of the The Town @ Trilth’. Rob reports that many visitors are excited and drawn to the new urbanism built form and layout.

An engaging interview with a professional dedicated to creating better town life experiences.

In Podcast Extra / Culture Corner Rob recommends ‘Suburban Nation - The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream’ by Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Jeff Speck https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781429932110/suburbannation and ‘Walkable City - How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time’ by Jeff Speck https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781429932110/suburbannation
Rob also describes the value of travel and taking in new experiences that can lead to better solutions 'at home'.

Jess recommends ‘Foul Play’ by Fiona McIntosh https://www.penguin.com.au/books/foul-play-9781761048012.

Pete recommends ‘I Robot’ by Isaac Asimov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Robot.

Audio produced by Jack Bavage. Podcast released 31 May 2024. PlanningxChange is proud to be part of the Urban Broadcasting Collective.