Dungeonpunxxx Presents Never mind the Pollocks here's the dungeon punxxx episode 004

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Jul 11 2024 66 mins   1
this is mad right? actual consistent content from the OG podcasting LARPER's!
this week we talk to Paddy McCallister @mrkaim81 on insta.
He is an ACTUAL proper artist and that but he is not related to Kevin McCallister from Home Alone.
Paddy talks about his up and coming Trial By Dice does Braveheart up in bonnie wee Aberdeen inside a MUSUEM/Art Gallery to present DnD as a safe space for people.
Use DxP peeps are more than buzzing for this...get your free tix here:
Paddy does his three (plus one for good luck) of GW artwork ta wet ya (thistle) whistle.
Much love to all our brothers and sisters out there.
Remember, if you are struggling with whatever drop us a message.
Big ups