In Episode 58 of The Kershner Files, Dave provides the standard updates for PMs, Survival Realty, and state specific gun shows. For some reason there were a LOT of updates this week. After all of the updates, Dave discusses an article that explores ways for you to develop the mental toughness needed to survive a SHTF style event. Articles/topics discussed:
- Spot Prices for Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) - from the website
- Survival Realty - featured properties and new listings
- State-by-State Gun Shows - from the website
- L2Survive YouTube content
- Ways to develop mental toughness and a survivor mindset when SHTF by Olivia Cook from Natural News
- Physical preparedness is a way of life: Regular physical labor improves your health and chances of survival by Rhonda Johansson from Natural News
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Available for Purchase - Fiction:
When Rome Stumbles | Hannibal is at the Gates | By the Dawn’s Early Light | Colder Weather | A Time for Reckoning (paperback versions) | Fiction Series (paperback) | Fiction Series (audio)
Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:
Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)