Episode 29 - The RFK & Don Jr Hunt - Featuring Harrison Dalby & Tom Cullen

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Oct 28 2024 126 mins  

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Hot on the heels of the historic falconry hunt with RFK Jr and Don Jr, the boys are joined by main characters of the Sporting Chance universe: Harrison Dalby and Tom Cullen. Why was Harrison so nervous? How does Tom cater to the ultra rich? What is Casey’s safe space? This and much more, including a discussion of captive breeding regulations, and the need for a hunter’s alliance.

This episode is sponsored by:

North Mountain Goshawks: https://northmountaingoshawks.com/

Mountain State Falconry Supply: https://www.mountainstatefalconrysupply.com/

Midnight Falconry: https://midnightfalconry.com/

A Journey with Red-tails: https://ajourneywithredtails.com/