The Best Strategy for New Traders

Mar 02 2020 10 mins   68
It is very normal for new traders to get overwhelmed by all the information available on the internet and in books. What actually is the best strategy to use when you are just getting started in the stock market and want to learn? I've been coaching traders since 2013 and through this time I've seen many of the most common mistakes pop up time and time again. Because of this and a newer area of the financial markets, I now recommend a strategy that truly makes the most sense for a new trader. This strategy will allow you to completely avoid the dreaded pattern day trader rule (PDT) and will allow you to risk only minimal amounts of money. Assuming you want to learn how to trade properly and not just "get rich quick", then let me show you a strategy that I would highly recommend you use when you are getting started and want to learn how to trade in a consistent and profitable way.