This week's show begins with media crackdown in Israel, several pieces on the Plastic Summit in South Korea, will the Israeli ceasefire on Lebanon affect Palestine, and the bill blocking social media for Australians under 16 passes the House.
This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, France 24, and NHK Japan. (29:00)
From GERMANY- The Israeli government announced a boycott the country's oldest newspaper, Haaretz, for criticizing the war on Palestine- an interview with Anat Saragutsi, Chair of the Journalists Union in Israel. She says the government also cancelled funding for public broadcasting in the country. Delegates from 175 countries have gathered in South Korea to attempt to create a treaty to cut back on plastic pollution
From FRANCE- First a press review from the Guardian about the importance of the Plastic Summit in South Korea, pointing out the presence of micro plastics in every placenta tested. Science editor Julia Sieger discusses the divisions at the plastic summit, with countries producing the petroleum and chemicals looking to more profits, and the others who want a legally binding reduction in production and usage. She explains how plastic recycling is largely a toxic myth and alternative materials lack the ease of use. There is a newer type of plastic that might offer hope.Then Belgian journalist Elijah Magnier talks about the effect the ceasefire on Lebanon might have on the war on Palestine. He says the only objective of the current fighting is to prepare northern Gaza to be annexed for new settlers to develop.
From JAPAN- The Japanese government has proposed a new greenhouse gas target which will achieve net zero emissions sooner that previously planned. The Australian House has passed the bill banning children under 16 from social media to reduce bullying, suicide, and sexual exploitation. Elon Musk called the bill censorship, the PM Albanese called Musk an arrogant billionaire.
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¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
"Hope has never trickled down, it has always sprung up."
-- Naomi Klein
Dan Roberts
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