In "Weird Science," two socially awkward teens, armed with a computer and sheer 80s chutzpah, create the perfect woman, inadvertently summoning chaos and hilarity. The duo’s fantasy-come-to-life proves more than just eye candy, as she schools them in confidence, courage, and the fine art of not getting pantsed by bullies. Along the way, they navigate absurd obstacles, from mutant bikers to nuclear calamities, learning that true magic lies in friendship and self-acceptance. It’s a zany blend of hormones and hard drives, proving once and for all that nerds really do have all the fun.
This is the Overdue Homework Podcast we review and assign new 80's and 90's Movie, TV, or Video Game homework every episode.
The Summer of DBZ Continues in 2 weeks with season 1 Episodes 19-25