Thanksforyourservice Podcast 33

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Sep 05 2020 26 mins   2

Welcome to podcast number 33 for Thanks for your Service. Thanksforyourservice is a news and information resource and its focus is on historical topics relating to the Australian military.

Jack Byrne was a Goulburn boy who joined the 2nd AIF and served in New Guinea, He suffered injuries and illness which also led him going AWOL on occasions which ultimately led to a dishonourable discharge. 21 years after his death, his daughter, Jenny Merrell, applied for his service medals only to find out he was not entitled to his third medal, the Australian Service Medal 1939-1945 due to his dishonorable discharge. Jenny joins us from Queensland to tell us about her story which ultimately overturned the dishonourable discharge and the awarding of the ASM.

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