LWW 199: The Final Countdown

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Apr 29 2024 53 mins   2

Are Your Nipples Centered? (Take Two)

Just Kiss Her by Clare Lydon GraphicThe penultimate episode sees our hosts telling tales of their lives. For TB, she spilled the tea (literally), she got spooky, and she’s loving getting snarky in her upcoming novel.

For Clare, she’s readying her upcoming romance, Just Kiss Her, for her ARC team, and the audiobook of London Ever After is so close, she can taste it. Plus, Spurs are on their way to Wembley!

This week, the pair answer your questions, including: three things they’ve learned doing the podcast; their favorite moment of the past five years (it includes nipples); their writing joys; what their writing superpower would be; and what they’re going to miss the most.

See you next time for the final episode of Lesbians Who Write!


The Sapphic Quill Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesapphicquill

The Sapphic Quill: https://thesapphicquill.com/

Inspiration Episode: https://lesbianswhowrite.com/lww-167-what-was-the-inspiration-for-your-last-3-books/

Another Inspiration Episode: https://lesbianswhowrite.com/lww-3-who-or-what-inspires-you-to-write/