The Man Behind Protrusive – Jaz Gets Interviewed! IC045

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Feb 19 2024 33 mins   3
Welcome back to another Interference Cast! Today's episode is a bit unique—for once Jaz wasn't the one asking the questions. Instead, he had the pleasure of being interviewed by the a cool dental student, Nav Bhatti.

During the interview, we explore Jaz' story, origins, and what fuels his passions. It's a deep dive into who he is and what drives him. Plus, he shared insights into one of his top strengths, according to Tom Rath's Strengths Finder 2.0: being a learner. Join us as he discusses the importance of focusing on our strengths and the joy of continuous learning and sharing.
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Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

Highlights of this episode:

6:51 Get to know about Jaz Gulati

8:35 Jaz’s Journey in Dentistry

11:49 Ensuring Quality in Dentistry vs Income

15:33 Highlights and Challenges in Studying Journey

18:42 Advice for Dental Students: Balancing Academic and Social Well-being

21:18 Journey to the World of TMD

26:36 Difference between TMD and TMJ

28:13 Q&A: Dentistry and Kids - is it possible?

29:12 Why is Dentistry better than Medicine?

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If you loved this episode, be sure to check out Value Your Skills – How to Stop Underselling Yourself – AJ006

Click below for full episode transcript:

Jaz's Introduction: Hello, Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati and welcome back to an Interference Cast. This one I feel kind of selfish posting this one, but it was interviewed. It's about me today, right? It's my story, my origin, what drives me. But I was interviewed by a very fascinating dental student called Nav.

Jaz Introduction:Nav Bhatti And he's an up and coming content creator. I liked his style. I liked his realism. Very real world. I always got time for people like that. He's actually a British citizen studying dentistry history in Slovakia, previously having studied in Egypt and Ukraine.

So he's got a really interesting story and we didn't actually get time to unpack it because he came to my practice where I work and he shadowed for a bit and then the plan was to record. But while recording about 25 minutes in, which is why this podcast is as long as is, which is why it's a kind of shorter episode. My wife calls me and at this stage, it kind of sums up the entire sort of month I've had, right?

My family has been plagued by illnesses like my baby, Sihaan 10 months had like back to back viruses and when the kids are not sleeping we'll get like 2 -3 hours sleep a night and then unfortunately my eldest, almost 5 years old, he was in hospital for 2 nights on IV drips, severe dehydration, projectile vomiting, you name it, the whole shebang and then it finally got to my wife as well. I was the last man standing, I kind of told the universe and this is crazy, I had Gary Vee say this once, he said, I told the universe I'm too busy to fall sick.

Right? And so that's my theory of why I didn't fall sick. I just told the universe, no, not today. But anyway, it's been a really challenging few months and then it kind of got epitomized by what happened while we were recording that my wife called me and she was in bed, she just couldn't move. And she had a baby and I was like, oh my God, I better rush home. And thankfully I live very close to where I work. And I said, Nav, I'm so sorry. I've got to go. And so the reason to share that with you is just to remind you that we're all going to have bad months. Okay?