In the debut episode of "Jack Rants With Modern Bankers," host Jack Hubbard explores how community banks and credit unions can maximize growth and the customer experience from the inside out. Guest James Robert Lay is a bestselling author, award winning Podcast host and one of the top minds in digital marketing in financial services today.
The conversation centers around the communication and confidence crisis facing financial services, exacerbated by misinformation and a lack of proactive engagement by community banks on social media platforms. James Robert emphasizes the importance of leveraging AI and embracing technology to reclaim a narrative that cultivates trust and confidence among consumers.
The discussion transitions to the concept of digital growth and how it has evolved over the years, especially in light of the pandemic. The episode concludes with a compelling exploration of the going forward role of AI in various aspects of banking, from enhancing customer interactions to optimizing marketing strategies.
Throughout this episode, listeners are treated to a blend of practical ideas, real-world experiences, and a glimpse into the future of banking in a tech-driven world.
The conversation centers around the communication and confidence crisis facing financial services, exacerbated by misinformation and a lack of proactive engagement by community banks on social media platforms. James Robert emphasizes the importance of leveraging AI and embracing technology to reclaim a narrative that cultivates trust and confidence among consumers.
The discussion transitions to the concept of digital growth and how it has evolved over the years, especially in light of the pandemic. The episode concludes with a compelling exploration of the going forward role of AI in various aspects of banking, from enhancing customer interactions to optimizing marketing strategies.
Throughout this episode, listeners are treated to a blend of practical ideas, real-world experiences, and a glimpse into the future of banking in a tech-driven world.