074 - Parting Words of a Children's Ministry Advisor with Tim Beilharz

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Sep 03 2024 59 mins   1

In this episode of the Effective Ministry Podcast, Al James sits down with Tim Beilharz, a much loved and appreciated children's ministry advisor who is finishing up in his role at Youthworks after 12 years. Tim shares his experiences, his thoughts on the future of youth and children's ministry, and talks with Al about topics like the importance of intergenerational relationships, the necessity of communal and participatory church life, and recognizing child faith as real, holistic, and ad hoc (intrigued?!).

Register for LiT
Registrations for Leaders in Training (LiT) 2024/25 are open for:
-Spring (September 30-Oct 4, 2024) ***closes soon***
-Summer 1 (January 22-26, 2025)
-Summer 2 (January 26-30, 2025)

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