The Receivers: The Terminus

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Mar 30 2024 30 mins   2

It is the mystery of the ages and a literal war between worlds for control of a universe. Earth is a fortress--- targeted for the imponderable odds that sentience merged to the soul platform of the Original Creator ~ could be snatched as it were, and harnessed. 

Full 12-strand DNA bridges the temporal creature —-the human biological construct—-to the very fabric of time-space in what is called eternality. Just as in the biblical gene-isis, and the “fall” of the celestial, realms into material form; man came into knowing of good and evil, yet was denied the “tree” ( the extra-dimensional 10 strand sequence) of eternal life—- a metaphoric truism—- this gambit, we would say, is the inverse: NOT eternality, but IMMORTALITY—-yet unawares of a moral code. The hijacking of the “crown of creation" as a means to access realms which the controllers, through their own corruption are denied!! It’s is that which is unlawful or what you call evil.