What do you do if the marketing agency you are engaged with gets acquired? Legal marketing experts Gyi Tsakalakis and Conrad Saam break down the news of Scorpion’s acquisition of Get Noticed Get Found and get into the potential pitfalls of YOUR marketing agency getting bought out. Learn the crucial things to watch for, like loss of data control, hidden fees, and potential conflicts of interest. Don't get caught off guard—stay informed and protect your firm's interests!
Press Release: Scorpion Acquires GNGF
0:15 Get Noticed Get Found Acquired by Scorpion
3:15 Does my agency have a conflict of interest?
6:28 Can I choose where my ads run?
8:45 Are you renting your own website?
14:22 What are the legal ramifications?
16:10 Transparency, Data, Ownership