Philippians - Two Purposeful Partners

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Feb 16 2025

Two Purposeful Partners
(Philippians 2:19-30)

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slidesss

Timothy - F.F. Bruce

Timothy - John Stott

Paul and Epaphroditus - Alec Moyter

Paul’s Co-Workers - F.F. Bruce

Co-Workers in the Pauline Mission - Guthrie

The Need for Living Examples - Guthrie

Two Orders of Friends - Chuck Swindoll

INTRODUCTION: Role Models Again


(Genuine Christ-Centered Concern)

Humble partners put the needs of others before their own.

Humble partners can be trusted with ministry responsibilities.


(Brother, Co-worker, Fellow Soldier)

  • A Man for All Season - (2:25)

Humble partners take every opportunity to serve well.

  • Serving in sickness and in health - (2:26-30)

Humble partners serve well, even if it is costly.

Humble Partners Sacrificially Serve
with Christ-like Character
through thick and thin.

The Centrality of Examples in Philippians

A - The Example of  Paul (1:12-26)

B - Appeal to Steadfastness and Unity

in the face of opposition (1:27-30)

C - Appeal to Unity

      based on common life in Christ (2:1-4)

D - The Example of Christ (2:5-11)

C’ - Application of Unity

      based on the common work of God (2:12-13)

B’ - Application of Steadfastness and Unity

in the face of opposition (2:14-18)

A’ - The Examples of Timothy & Epaphroditus (2:19-30)

Home Church Questions

  • Read Philippians 2:19-30. Is there an immediate insight or application you would like to share from the passage or the message?

  • Paul presents Timothy and Epaphroditus as exemplary models of proven worth in ministry. Who has been a role model for you by their commitment to ministry? How has their life challenged you to a deeper life of service?

  • Reflect on your own life. What does it mean to seek the interests of Jesus Christ rather than your own interests (ref. v.21)?

  • Describe the different groups of people within your circle of influence. In what ways are you an example to them of what it means to serve Christ? In what ways do you fall short?

  • Paul’s concern for Epaphroditus is described in verse 27, and expressed the sorrow he would experience if Epaphroditus were to die. What does this suggest to you about praying for others? about experiencing sorrow with the loss of a loved one (ref. 1 Thessalonians 4:13)?

  • Paul desired to send these men to strengthen and encourage the Philippian believers. Who can you reach out to strengthen and encourage this week?

Pray for the Unreached: People Groups in the United States
The United States is home to over 520 distinct people groups, 98 of which are unreached peoples. These include immigrants, refugees, Indigenous communities, and even international students. While many enjoy access to the gospel, language barriers, cultural isolation, and secular influences present significant challenges to reaching some communities with the gospel. Pray for laborers to be sent into these communities, equipped to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps with the love of Christ. Lift up local churches and ministries to boldly engage these groups, providing resources, discipleship, and community.

Elder’s Retreat: February 21-22
Please be in prayer for our elders as they spend time with each other and before the Lord focusing on their
Spiritual Responsibility,  Personal Accountability, and Leadership of our Body.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Czech Stoby’s Fundraiser
Fellowship, thank you for showing up!  Sunday, February 2, was the Czech fundraiser at Stobys, and we received a great response from the Fellowship family.  The team raised $5000.   Thank you Fellowship!

Men’s Muster 2025 - Men don’t retreat. They muster.  Will you muster with us?
Mark your calendars for April 25-27! Men’s Muster is heading to a NEW location—Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center in Little Rock. It’s the perfect weekend to connect, have fun, and be challenged to relentlessly pursue Christ together.  Chris Moore will lead the teaching, and you won’t want to miss it. Registration is $150, with scholarships available. Register at

Middle School Retreat | February 28-March 2
Parents, our new student pastors are taking the Middle School group (5th-7th) to Ferncliff (in Little Rock) the last weekend in February. This is a great opportunity for your students to get to know our new pastors and connect deeper with the students their age. The weekend features Biblical teaching, meaningful small group time, and a ton of fun! To register your student for the retreat, go to

Silent Auction | April 6th
Youth and College Mission Teams will host a Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 PM. We are asking for you to participate in one of three ways. First, do you have a service, item, or experience you can donate to be auctioned off? We would love to have it. Second, we would love for you to show up and support the students and adults on the trip. Finally, if you cannot make it, please consider donating to the event. To donate an item or for any questions, please get in touch with our College Pastor, Andrew Stauffer at [email protected]. Prayer During Service