Ramsey Dewey is an MMA coach now based in Shanghai, China. I really enjoyed our conversation which included...
- How wearing headgear in sparring actually makes things WORSE for your brain
- His controversey with Master Wong
- Why China could take over MMA
- What self defense 'experts' get wrong
- What happens to martial arts that don't spar
- Ramsey's experience on The Ultimate Self Defense Championship
Check out Ramsey's very popular Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@RamseyDewey
Find out more about the FREE Grapplearts BJJ Master App at https://www.grapplearts.com/masterapp
And please check out my brand new book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic, available on Amazon and all other online book retailers https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Death-Subarctic-Stephan-Kesting/dp/1639368612
Thank you,
Stephan Kesting