This week we feature an episode of a podcast we love: The Trail Ahead Podcast, hosted by Faith E. Briggs and Addie Thompson. They bring on outdoor industry leaders from all backgrounds to have interracial dialogue aimed at having tough conversations at the intersection of race, environment, history, culture, and the outdoors. Their ultimate goal? To diversity the outdoor industry and welcome everyone into outdoors spaces..
This episode features Adam Merry, a track and trail runner who has raced up to 100K! Despite his accomplishments, he’s faced challenges in diversity and representation in running, and is working towards building a more inclusive and community minded outdoor community.
You can find The Trail Ahead Podcast on Instagram @trailahead_podcast
and Adam Merry @amerryrunner
Podcast swap with The Trail Ahead Podcast, hosted by Faith E. Briggs and Addie Thompson.
Outside Voices is a production of Resource Media
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