Pancreas – Functional Medicine Back to Basics

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Feb 24 2020 13 mins   3

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Hi, Dr. Martin Rutherford, we’re next segment of functional medicine back to basics. Last time we were talking about stomach and it’s and its place in the great hierarchy of taking care of patients with functional medicine.

The the concept that I keep hoping to get to you is that there are a lot of moving pieces to this there’s, an organization to it. You really need to in the beginning, when you attack a case kind of get a feel for what all the moving parts are for.

That particular patient is what we’ve been talking. We’ve talked about that there’s. What we’ve, been talking about up until now, and and now we are at the pancreas and pancreas is kind of interesting.

Most people know pancreas relative to somebody who drinks too much acute pancreatitis. Most people know that that’s, not a good thing, and that if you hear that you start making plans and not always, but it’s, you know when their pancreas gets that bad.

It’s. It’s. You, it couldn’t, frequently be a life in death situation. Most people know pancreas with diabetes, particularly diabetes type 1. People are getting real familiar with their pancreas, but it’s.

Interesting. We don’t normally see the pancreas being a huge huge player in our world as far as the necessity to start throwing pancreatic enzymes on it are our bovine pancreatic tissue at it or anything like that, because of the way that we dressed cases, The way that classic functional medicine should address cases symptoms of the pancreas.

I have a cheat sheet here. Okay, so difficulty digesting roughage our fiber okay and it’s, not so not after protein. It’s, a lot of it’s very similar symptoms to lack of hydrochloric acid, which we talked about last week, and you get these symptoms after you.

But you get these symptoms after you digest a starch, not after its starch fibers. Not after you digest protein, okay, so difficulty digesting roughage and fiber indigestion and fullness lasting two to four hours after eating, because you’re, not digesting those the roughage or the fiber pain, tenderness, soreness on the left side of the rib cage.

Okay, so pancreas actually goes from about here over. Can you see the kidneys I’m, not sure. If you can see this, it actually goes from here over all the way to here kind of behind the stomach, and so you can get it.

Excessive passage of gas can be a number of things, and but certainly if your pancreatic enzymes aren’t doing their job, then you can get excessive passage of gas, nausea vomiting you get nausea and vomiting from the stomach.

You can get it from the liver. You can get it from anything that stimulates your vagus nerve, but you can get nausea vomiting from the pancreas, so it’s, not like. Oh. I got nausea vomiting it’s, the pancreas okay.

It’s like you got to start looking around, go okay, it’s. Can I do. I have no stomach problems. Pancreas problems, stool, undigested, foul-smelling mucous like and greasy and poorly formed, and and I’ll, maybe kind of a little bit like the gallbladder.

Okay, it could kind of float. You’re gonna find out why, in a second, because the gallbladder and the pancreas kind of work together and when one stops working the other one kind of stops working a frequent loss of appetite.

These are the most common symptoms of gallbladder function. A lot of them are similar to symptoms of not having enough hydrochloric acid, and I tell you that not to confuse you, not enough. Hydrochloric acid talked about in the last segment is usually usually due to stomach, not having enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach, not breaking down your protein and in the last segment we talked about how, when you don’t break down your proteins, because you Don’t have enough of hydrochloric acid.

It sends a signal to the pancreas and it tells the pancreas to it says I’m, going to send you a bolus of food that’s, not well digested. Thus it’s too acidic, and there’s, a duct now that these that thing that the gallbladder dumps into and that the pancreas dumps into there and and and so this common duct okay, if you it also is dumps into where The food comes right out of the stomach, so if you have an acidic bolus coming out of there, Nature has already kind of figured out.

You could screw up your gallbladder and your pancreas. This is mostly what we see I don’t normally see the person who is drinking themselves to death. They’re, not usually somebody who is like attracted to alternative functional medicine.

Just at least I’ve only seen a few and and we don’t, usually see people who have severe acute pancreatitis. Usually the pain is so much that they’re in the hospital. So we see the chronic pancreas issue, but nobody ever comes in here for that it and – and we don’t, have people come in here with.

Oh, I’ve got all these problems and then we find out that they have diabetes type 1. Usually they have found that out long before they get to my office and and if you’re, a physician watching this usually to your office.

If you’re doing functional medicine, so we get the person whose pancreas isn ‘ T functioning properly why isn’t it functionally? Probably the number one cause is usually a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and then a signal is sent to that pancreas and the pancreas just stops putting out pancreatic enzymes.

Part of the reason that you get undigested foul-smelling mucous, like greasy stools, is because the pancreas has a lot of different enzymes. So most people who come in here and have some a clue of what the pancreas does usually connected the blood sugar, and indeed you can get blood sugar symptoms.

Also that will alert you to a pancreas problem. You could feel like you have insulin resistance. You can be, you can be fatigued after meals and you can crave sweets and you can urinate a lot and things of that nature.

You can have that that can alert you to a pancreatic problem, but that, but the key Technic pancreas is is: is this the key to the pancreas? Is that the hydrochloric acid, in the stomach in the functional world? Usually it’s? The hydrochloric acid? In the stomach that’s, causing the bolus not to not be digested properly, the bolus is not has an abnormal chemistry by the time it hits that duodenum, where the, where the food dumps out of your stomach into this part of your upper intestine, Is called the duodenum that’s where all of these things dump and it’s healthy and it kind of tells the pancreas to not work.

And then the pancreas puts out enzymes to digest your starches. Okay, not particularly fibers, but it can it can. It can do a little bit of that, but pancreas also puts out enzymes that has to do with immune responses, but but the big thing is it puts out enzymes that dampens inflammation there.

It puts out anti-inflammatory enzymes that dampen inflammation in the intestines. So if so, if you put, if you put a lack of hydrochloric acid together and you put a decreased gallbladder function, the other which we will talk about here in the next segment actually and you put pancreatic dysfunction together, you’re gonna get A leaky gut, if you put that together, you’re gonna have you could have irritable bowel syndrome? Yeah you could have.

You could develop irritable, bowel disease. If you have that trio, I put these together kind of as a trio. Frankly, I look at them when I look at a person’s case. I look at a hydrochloric acid in the stomach pancreatic symptoms.

Are they there? Okay and gallbladder symptoms and the two things that I find to be more important and that was verified to me by some some of my seminars. I kind of went to about a month ago on autoimmunity by my mentor dr.

cross and that I, it always seemed to me like it was the it was the decrease hydrochloric acid in the gallbladder, and indeed it turns out that hydrochloric acid in the gall bladder Are two links in the chain that if either one of them go there about it’s important to address as pretty much anything else? You’re going to do to your to your gut, so the pancreas is usually secondary to that.

I don’t use a lot of pancreatic enzymes simply because if you followed this series and and and you’ve heard the mantra move there’s, a hierarchy there’s, an order to treat this. If I see a acid indigestion in the stomach, if I see person burping right after a meal full, they have all these low, hydrochloric acid symptoms, which we talked about in the last segment.

I’m, treating that and and in treating that, and if they have a lot of gall bladder symptoms. I might be treating that at the same time or I might be waiting because it’s, a tad bit down a little chain to chain of command.

I might wait on that, or am i doing both the same time and the vast majority of time in my practice, those symptoms go away now. This is separate from the approach of okay. You have all these digestive problems.

Let me give you digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, and the person is going to feel better okay, if you do that, maybe if they get their diet properly under control but-but-but-but. This is more of what functional medicine was meant to be, which was to be getting your system to start functioning.

Normally, the vast majority died in my practice. We get the hydrochloric acid, we get the stomach under control if they don’t have an autoimmune problem in their stomach. As we talked about in the last segment, you get that under control and the and the function of the pancreas is going to usually follow.

If you get that and the gallbladder under control, then the pancreas is going to is going to follow. If I get those two under control and I stop pancreatic symptoms, then I’m going to be looking say. Okay, do we have some rare case rare in my office? Okay, do we have some rare issue where, where the person has panco diabetes, type, one and doesn’t know it or do? Are they getting in an early phase of some sort of a liver issue? And then I’ll run the the labs that would be appropriate to to find out if the pancreas cells are producing properly and and doing their job.

So pancreas is pretty clean. It’s kind of like a if it’s, not a severe acute problem in functional in the functional world and with the type of people that are drawn to most functional offices. It’s, kind of like it’s kind of like a step along the way that’s, that’s, not the biggest step in most cases that come into the office, and so that’S kind of how we see it, that’s, how I, that’s, how I’ve experienced it, and so this is a fairly efficient presentation this week, because in my mind I’m, not treating acute Pancreas as most of you or not or probably shouldn’t be, and so so there’s, not a whole lot, get to go more to go over a relative to pancreatic function and how to get it going properly.

Mostly its treat. The gut treat the stomach and and possibly and possibly treat the gallbladder, so so that’s it for today. So I’ll for you for all you, pancreatic fans. I hope that that fed your appetite for pancreatic function, data and next time we will be going over the gallbladder and the gallbladder is quite a bit more involved than I think most people understand, and I and I say that, having spoken to literally hundreds and hundreds Of people who’ve had their gallbladders out, and so it’s kind of fascinating.

The gallbladder is far more than just breaking down your fats and the ways to manage it are are a little bit more than the pancreas and possibly even the stomach. So I’ll, be looking forward to that. Talking to you on that subjects.

One of my favorite subjects, and so any questions that you have on this, please send them to me, and I will be looking forward to talking to you next time about the gall bladder you

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