Ep. 5: 75 min Level 2-3 Elsie's Yoga Class, Live And Unplugged At Bala Yoga

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Aug 27 2006 90 mins   1

Whopeee! a level 2-3 class! Alright, it's a bit more challenging! If you want to only listen to my intro, theme and meditation, listen for the first 10 min. If you want to get to the class straight away, skip the first 10 min.

The yoga journal that I refer to: matrika yoga
My beloved teacher: Douglas Brooks

The Sequence:
Warm Up
1/2 Sun Salutations
Surya Namaskar x 2
Crescent Pose into Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana with hips squared into Lunge twist
Twisting Adho Mukha Svanasana
Vira II into Reverse Vira
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana prep
(at the wall)
L pose at the wall/ One handed L pose at the wall
Standing hip stretch
Standing Baby Craddle
Bakasana on forearms
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana with thigh stretch
Ardha Bhekasana
Lunge with thigh stretch
Ardha Ustrasana
Ustrasana x 2
Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3
Supta Padangustasana
Jathara Parivartanasana
easy twist

Have fun!