HorseWisdom for February 2021: Trusting what is Lost

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Feb 25 2021 36 mins  

#015 February arrived, changed us and is leaving us to pick up the pieces. Tune into this episode if you are leaving this month wondering what in the world just happened and what it means for the probable outcome for your future...

(hint: February's key message was about exchanging the energy of probable outcome for hidden potential)

How do we generate a new way of being when we are no longer certain of the outcome?
There are 3 words that I share inside this episode and an experience to help you find an invitation into those 3 words!

What will it take to accept the invitation to go slower, softer, quieter and deeper than ever before? Reflections from the past that inspire within us a new wave to ride into the future on...

Much love,
Jess and the horses, Guided by Equus

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