Julie Cobbe - Wild Egg Review

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Jun 23 2023 48 mins  

Welcome to mini book club! Today, myself and previous guest, Julie Cobbe, are discussing the novel 'Wild Egg' by Jennifer Flint. We talk about the themes raised in the book and our experiences of reading a book which focuses on the parenthood decision.

I spoke to Julie in season 2 about her own experience of deciding to have children or not. I do recommend you listen to that if you haven't already. I want to thank Jennifer Flint for sending me on copies of her book and to thank Julie for volunteering to read it and take part in this episode.
I refer to another podcast in this episode which discusses the book, Jennifer's own story and process of reading the book. Please see Anna Olson's excellent episodes of the 'We're Not Kidding' Podcast here -
Part one -https://open.spotify.com/episode/5cDRpIhrkO74KOm52euK5k?si=01f5e61b98e74780
Part two - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3FGdhAO7C8UQolPMoGZqcF?si=bb5ed345d1b9450c

Please Julies website here - https://juliecobbe.com/

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