In this episode of fire science fundamentals, we cover the pressurisation systems. These are smoke control solutions used to prevent smoke from accessing protected spaces, by creating an overpressure in those spaces. Although the idea is very simple, its execution is far from that. Pressurization systems need to work in two distinct states – when all doors to the protected space are closed (over pressurization state), and when some openings are open (flow-path state).
In this episode, we cover:
· What are pressurization systems and why do we use them in buildings;
· Static and dynamic pressure;
· Pressurization systems as part of the smoke control strategy;
· Old-type mechanical systems, and novel active control systems;
· Role of vestibules/lobbies in resiliency strategy;
· Practical examples of use;
· Testing and certification.
Further recommended resources are:
· Episode 47 with Grzegorz Sypek – Effective pressurization,
· Episode 116 – Natural and mechanical smoke control
· Episode 136 – Fire Automation in a building
· Węgrzyński & Antosiewicz - Autonomous Sensor-Driven Pressurization Systems: Novel Solutions and Future Trends, book chapter I’ve referred to in the episode.
The Fire Science Show is produced by the Fire Science Media in collaboration with OFR Consultants. Thank you to the podcast sponsor for their continuous support towards our mission.