Planet X and Anunnaki Jason Martell (revisited)

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Oct 23 2023 57 mins   1

Planet X and Anunnaki with Jason Martell from ancient aliens. This week I'm joined by a special co-host April. Jason is also the author of the book Knowledge Apocalypse! Mr. Martell tells us how he got started with Ancient Aliens, and his quest for knowledge about our ancient past. He gives us insights into Planet X and the Anunnaki. Jason then takes us on a journey into the ancient past, as we talk about pyramids and cycles of time. We end off our discussion with the alien abduction phenomenon. It's a talk that you're not going to want to miss! Jason Martell has a website with a lot of valuable information on it.

Where is Planet X? What have the Anunnaki been up to?

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Email: [email protected] (for guest requests label email "Guest Request")

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