I was so excited to have Dr. Dalton-Trusty on as she's a Director of Clinical Training and Co-Director of the Mental Health and Wellness Clinic at my alma mater Wayne State University! On this episode we talked about the stigmas that impact the Black Community mental health and wellness such as socio-economic and environmental factors, Dr. Dalton-Trusty shed light and provided some very pertinent points that I believe you'll find insightful. Her academic achievements and success are commendable and lends itself so well in our conversation. I hope you find this episode enlightening!
Want to learn more about becoming a client through Wayne State University Mental Health & Wellness Clinic? Here's the link Mental Health and Wellness Clinic Client Form - Wayne State University
Learn more about Dr. Dalton-Trusty tap here Dr. Lucetry Dalton, Psy.D., LP - College of Education - Wayne State University
Find a NAMI Support Group if you’re supporting a loved one with a mental illness https://www.nami.org/Find-Your-Local-NAMI/Affiliate/Programs?classkey=a1x36000003TN9LAAW
To learn more about the disparities and discrimination in mental health see links below,
Fact Sheet: Health Disparities and Stress (apa.org)
Racism, racial discrimination, and mental health, with Riana Elyse Anderson, PhD (apa.org)
Disclaimer: Safe Space with Shay is not intended to be a therapy replacement or substitute, if you are experiencing a mental health crisis please reach out to your physician or your mental health provider.