Ask A Billionaire #44: Billionaire Skills Part II

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May 31 2022 42 mins  

As always, the recluse billionaire Mr. O and I take live questions from attendees.

This week, however, we did it a little differently. Mr. O dives into the 13 Standards of Knowledge and explains how other heavy hitters use them. These Standards of Knowledge have helped him become a billionaire and they can enrich your life as well. This is part 2.

7. Powerful And Creative Concept Development:
The ability to create a concept out of thin air, on your own, and take it to fruition in all aspects and turn it into tremendous cash. Make an effective analysis of a current concept and make changes for success.

8. No Fear Of Negatives:
The ability to make any negative work in your favor, to the point that one will actually welcome and not fear negatives.

9. The Tremendous Power Lurking In You:
Personally being a recognizable and powerful force to all.

10. Become The Top In Your Field (A Magnate) And Draw People, Deals, and Money To You (A Magnet):
When desired, being a Magnate and a Magnet. Creating the essence of a true heavy hitter, causing opportunities to find you so that you can pick and choose what you want in life.

Nowhere else can you get mentorship from a billionaire on a weekly basis other than this podcast and the ENIGMA Mastery Group!

Checkout the Thirteen Standards of Knowledge:

If you're a small business owner and would like to apply for a free business analysis by Mr. O; send an email to [email protected]. Type "FREE BUSINESS ANALYSIS" in the subject line.

To attend a live podcast recording and have the chance to have your business questions answered live by Mr. O, register here: