In this bite-sized Plot Twist episode, Light Watkins dives into the transformative journey of Doug Evans, a trailblazer in the health food world. After a series of devastating family losses to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, Doug’s perspective on health and nutrition shifted dramatically. These painful experiences set him on a mission to reimagine food as medicine, leading him to discover the power of sprouting—a practice he’s championed for over 25 years.
Doug takes listeners back to the beginning, sharing how his journey started with an encounter at a nightclub that introduced him to veganism. He talks about the impact of losing loved ones, the challenges of questioning a lifetime of eating habits, and the powerful transformation that led to co-founding Organic Avenue, a pioneer in raw food and juice culture.
The episode also unpacks the rise and fall of Juicero, Doug’s ambitious Silicon Valley venture that sought to revolutionize fresh juice consumption. With raw honesty, Doug reveals the hard lessons he learned from running a high-profile startup and how those experiences ultimately fueled his passion for sprouting.
Listeners will be inspired by Doug’s resilience and creativity as he explains how sprouts—a simple, affordable, and nutrient-packed food source—became his ultimate calling. This episode is a testament to the power of turning failures into opportunities, challenging norms, and pursuing health in its purest form.
If you’re curious about healthy living, the story behind sprouting, or the mindset needed to bounce back from setbacks, this conversation with Doug Evans is one you don’t want to miss.