Episode 005 - LBT with Arbitro Jairo Martinez, Liga de Venezuela Beisbol Profesional

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Feb 28 2019 27 mins   2

This week we'll reach into the way-back machine all the way to Luke and Brian's first big trip together in 2011, the Venezuela Winter League. Today we're joined by our good friend and 16-yr Crew Chief en La Liga, Arbitro (Umpire) Jairo Martinez.

2:51 - We welcome 20-yr veteran of la Liga Venezolana de Beisbol Profesional, Jairo Martinez.

4:38 - Gearing up for baseball season for us means winding down for professional baseball in Latin America, culminating with the Caribbean World Series.

9:06 - Since Luke and Jairo have now both moved to Miami, they've had more opportunities to hop out on the field together. Luke fills us in on stories from working with Jairo more recently.

14:39 - Brian talks about the intense environment Venezuelan umpires are forced to learn to umpire in, and why it sets them up for success here in the states. When they make it into the Minor Leagues, they hit the ground running.

18:00 - Jairo's biggest success in baseball, being called Chief.

20:21 - What entrenched Jairo in umpiring in the beginning, and his illustrious career before picking up a mask.

24:16 - We'll intro next week's guest for you, Mr. Thomas Haywood! And if you can understand his Scottish accent, a clip in preparation for him coming on the show!

27:16 - Roll the credits... our outtake from last week!