Pa opsiwn i ti? / Is that an option?

Aug 21 2020 1
Pa opsiwn i ti? / Is that an option? Podcast artwork

Podlediad i unrhyw un sy’n gofalu ar ôl pobol ifanc ac yn aros am ganlyniadau arholiadau Awst 2020. Betsan Powys sydd yn siarad ag arbenigwyr ym maes addysg, prentisiaethau, gwirfoddoli, fydd yn eu tro yn gwrando ar bobol ifanc yn trafod yr hyn sy’n eu poeni nhw, a’r camau nesaf ar gyfer y dyfodol. Podcasts for anyone who looks after young people and are awaiting exam results in August 2020. Betsan Powys speaks to experts from education, apprenticeships, and volunteering who in turn will listen to young people as they discuss what worries them and the next steps for the future.