20.5 Intensive at Surya Yoga, Phoenix 2020

Feb 29 2020
20.5 Intensive at Surya Yoga, Phoenix 2020 Podcast artwork

Authentic Himalayan meditation intensive
By Girish Jha, MS, APA

तत्कर्म यन्न बन्धाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये।
आयासायापरं कर्म विद्यऽन्या शिल्पनैपुणम्॥१-१९-४१॥
—श्रीविष्णुपुराणे प्रथमस्कन्धे एकोनविंशोऽध्यायः

That is action, which does not promote attachment; That is knowledge which liberates [one from bondage]. All other action is mere [pointless] effort/hardship; all other knowledge is merely another skill/craftsmanship.
जन्तूनां नरजन्म दुर्लभमतः पुंस्त्वं ततो विप्रता
तस्माद्वैदिकधर्ममार्गपरता विद्वत्त्वमस्मात्परम् ।
आत्मानात्मविवेचनं स्वनुभवो ब्रह्मात्मना संस्थिति-
र्मुक्तिर्नो शतकोटिजन्मसु कृतैः पुण्यैर्विना लभ्यते ॥ VC - 2 ॥
Among the living species, a human birth very hard to obtain. It is more difficult to accomplish manhood ( specific qualities of being human). It is more difficult to achieve Satvik qualities ( the quality in the mind that seeks knowledge and truth). It is more difficult to tread the path of self-discovery without break. It is more difficult to follow the right knowledge ( that liberates one from suffering). it is more difficult to live in Viveka ( Discernment) of real and unreal. It is most difficult to realize one essential nature ( identity with the absolute). The awakening and realization are not a matter of chance. It happens when a person lived millions of lives lived with wisdom for earning the merits in terms of above achievements.

What is the intensive workshop?
-What is our true nature?
-What is real and what is everything else?
-Why is obtaining a clear understanding of the purpose of the sense organs, the mind and the intellect? and “I” necessary to begin the journey to self-discovery.
-What is the purpose in life and the purpose of life?
-Practices that work in our contemporary life.

What you will take away from this intensive
-Knowledge of eastern wisdom that ends suffering
-Personalized simple, easy and effective practices
-Digital delivery of files by email
-Minimize or removal of stress and suffering
-Discover your true nature
-Purpose in life vs purpose of life – Many vs One common element
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from death to immortality
Aum peace, peace, peace!

3 hours intensive – session -1
Three steps to discover permanent peace, happiness, love and wisdom
And succeed in mindfulness / meditation

Knowledge of eastern wisdom is power that liberates one from suffering
-Knowledge in eastern wisdom is power that promotes dispassion, wisdom leads to awakening o our true nature i.e. permanent peace, happiness, love and wisdom
-This is the knowledge of self – who am I or our true nature.
-Our true nature is SatChitAnanda
Janati( to Know it)
-Know the principles of eastern wisdom
-Clarity , conviction and doubt free mind
-Regular practice with wisdom
Icchati( to aspire it in the mind)
-Mind is working on us -Mind is facing to the world, moves with blame, complain, reaction, anxiety, agitation , stress and suffering
-First step of knowledge helps us to work on the mind – the principles in the first step with clarity discovers the ways to work on the mind
Karoti ( regular practice with wisdom)
-Now we know it with clarity and doubt free mind- minimizes the wandering nature of mind
-Regular practice with wisdom is personalized and customized practices given by teacher after understanding the individual or group
Am I a seeker?
-Driving license makes us eligible to drive on the road following the rules of driving and skill of driving.
-Similarly , a person becomes a seeker to tread the path of meditation/ mindfulness
How to become a seeker
-Learning four connections
-Understanding how mind works , causes stress, source or suffering makes us realize the impurities , veiling and projection...