StarShipSofa No 742 Jay Caselberg

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Oct 01 2024 36 mins   36

Main fiction: “Harvest Rain” by Jay Caselberg

Jay Caselberg is an Australian author and poet whose work has appeared in multiple venues worldwide and been translated into several languages. From time to time, it gets shortlisted for awards or appears in Year’s Best volumes. He currently resides in Germany.

This story originally appeared in Interzone, June 2003.

Narrated by: Nobilis Reed

Nobilis Reed is the host and narrator of the podcast, “This Kaiju Life” which is entirely safe for work, and the editor and creator of the podcast, “Nobilis Erotica” which is entirely NOT safe for work. In addition, he occasionally narrates audiobooks, publishes novels, and pretends to have “spare time.”