**[節目公告] **
零基礎溜英文 “基礎字彙一把抓” Google Meet 線上課程來了! (報名連結: https://forms.gle/qefivp9pgkuyrrc49)
為了讓大家對課程有進一步的了解, 請聆聽以下課程的試聽片段 (Trial Lesson), 我也會分享一點我通常如何記單字喔~
(註: 零基礎溜英文 FB 粉絲頁有 PPT截圖 和 影片檔)
影片版: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/cB34cHyuBroRXfsm/
**零基礎溜英文 基礎字彙一把抓 線上課程** (試聽 - 純文字版)
*範例 1:
This is my mom’s elder sister Aunt Mary.
I am her niece. My brother is her nephew.
She is very kind to us.
elder sister vs. younger sister
big sister vs. little sister
aunt / auntie
father-in-law vs. mother-in-law
niece vs. nephew
*範例 2:
I live in a long row of houses.
The convenience store is not far from my home.
a row of … houses
英文是有標記的語言 (名詞, 動詞)
convenience (名)
convenience store
convenient (形) Convenience stores are very convenient.
far from …
*範例 3:
A: On the couch? B: It’s not there, either.
couch / sofa
肯定句: too 否定句: either
A: I am hungry. B: I am hungry, too.
A: I am not hungry. B: I am not hungry, either.
*範例 4:
Did you borrow it from the library?
borrow library
did 助動詞 (功能字)
borrow (借入) vs. lend (借出)
I borrow a pen from Kevin.
Kevin lends a pen to me.
borrow (入)
*課本: 輕鬆讀出國中必備字彙力 (三民書局)
文體豐富: 故事, 對話, 信件, 食譜, 短詩, 傳單, 名人小傳…
*課程: 每期6堂 (提供: 錄音檔 + PPT 截圖筆記 讓同學補課或複習)
*報名資訊如下 https://forms.gle/qefivp9pgkuyrrc49 若有課程相關的問題, 請來信: [email protected] 或在 "零基礎溜英文" 的FB粉絲頁私訊~
*FB: 零基礎溜英文
*About me: 路1絲 https://www.rivegauche.org.tw/teacher_info.php?sn=1429
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