Jun 25 2024 22 mins 1
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God calls us as Christ followers to help others. Jesus is our perfect example of this. However, not all "helping" is helpful. In fact, sometimes our helping can actually be harmful. In this episode I explain what this unhelpful helping, also known as "enabling," looks like. I also discuss the deep reasons why we enable. And, I share some strategies you can implement to begin to stop enabling.
God can meet your need for:
safety/security (Psalm 16:8)
peace (John 16:33)
connection/companionship (Matthew 28:20)
provision (Philippians 4:19)
control/order (Isaiah 41:10)
self-esteem/respect/identity (Psalm 139:14; 2 Cor. 5:17)
purpose (Romans 8:28)
love!!! (1 John 3:1, 4:16)
If you're interested in learning more about me, or to schedule a counseling appointment (either in person, or remotely using Zoom), or to arrange a speaking engagement, reach out to me at my website at www.robboram.com, or text or call me at (805) 312-8715.