In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Dan Iten are joined by Daniel Im who is the Lead Pastor of Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
During their conversation, they discuss the following questions:
* What is one thing you've read recently that you would want to pass along?
* What is one thing that you've listened to or watched recently?
* What is one tool or resource that you've started to use recently?
* Daniel, your church just celebrated 80 baptisms. Can you tell us how that came about and what you learned throughout that process?
"Leadership is disruption. If you are not constantly leading the disruption, and then bringing about change, then someone else or something else is going to disrupt your organization, and you are going to be out of control of that." – Daniel Im
“With customer service, we want people in our churches to be well-cared for as guest services are super important to us. But a lot of times we make it very transactional and make it about boxes being checked or processes being created rather than making it about the person.” – Todd Adkins
“I don't want to let the pain, the criticism, and the hurt of ministry so affect me that my heart is hard.” – Daniel Im
“I feel that we can so easily get caught up in the, “I want the biggest church, I want the biggest name, I want all these things” mindset in our ministries. But you know, when you encounter these people who only want to make Christ famous or when they want growth in their church and organizations for God’s glory and not their own, it’s a powerful example of where I’d like to me in my own life.” – Dan Iten
You Are What You Do: And Six Other Lies about Work, Life, and Love by Daniel Im
No Silver Bullets: Five Small Shifts that Will Transform Your Ministry by Daniel Im
Planting Missional Churches: Your Guide to Starting Churches that Multiply by Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im
Managing Corporate Lifecycles (Pb): How Organizations Grow, Age and Die by Ichak Adizes
Don't Hold Back: Breaking Free from the American Gospel to Follow Jesus Fully by David Platt
Discovering the Gospel in Every Book of the Bible with Tim Keller (YouTube Series)
Words with God: Trading Boring, Empty Prayer for Real Connection by Addison Bevere
Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect by Will Guidara