Oct 29 2021 6 mins 6
Today's 8 Minute Video is sponsored
▫️ שושנה רזיה בת סילקא לרפואה שלמה
▫️ Yossi & Estie Elbaum & their children Tehila and Reuven: lzecher nishmas ביילא צפורה בת ר׳ ראובן & as a zchus for a shidduch for תהילה שרה בת אסתר לאה
▫️ Shmuly Hecht F245: In honor of the Daf Yomi Committee & the Hatzalah Members who push Harbotzas Hatoira with our dear esteemed Magid Shiur Reb Eli. & Le"n R' Mordechai Shloime Pinchus Tuviya A"H Ben Avrohom Moishe Peretz N"Y Kopman
▶️ Full Daf Rosh Hashana Daf 21
As R' Eli mentioned today, all donations to sponsor gemaras will be TRIPLED!!! right now.
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