Do you believe in resurrection? Our next series of episodes will have you humming all the way to the Underdark, for this campaign we’re going back in time to 2017 with Out of the Abyss.
Players in this campaign include Jared playing as Jarenor (Paladin), Stephen playing as Kort (Barbarian), Matt playing as Kirito (Rogue), Andy playing as Aramil (Cleric), and Eric playing as Crow (Bard); this is the first time Luke DM’s a campaign ever!
Session 9 takes a dire turn this week with Jarenor taking 2 javelin hits as soon as initiative is rolled and ends up unconscious very quickly. Shouting they can’t decipher is heard on the other side of the wall where a separated Crow & Kiritio can only peer through a hole in the wall, unable to rejoin the group without more shrinking mushrooms. Turvey tears things up while Jarenor is at 2 of 3 failed death saves, it’s not looking good but he tries to hang on.
Crow manages to finish off one of the enemies with just his vicious words shouted through the wall as the others try desperately to save Jarenor but every attempt fails…Death finally comes for one of our group members.
Things go from bad to worse as Kirito & Crow are still stuck until Aramail tries to get them mushrooms. Turvy’s luck runs out as she’s also knocked unconscious and Crow joins the fight. Before Kirito can make it into the room, he’s attacked and knocked unconscious, perhaps he was just too loud but seems to be stable–paralyzed but stable.
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