Dollar Binema – Episode 09 – Barb Wire

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Aug 11 2020



The movie takes place during the 2nd American Civil War, with one side literally dressed as Nazis, and the other side just not explained at all. There is the appearance of a really interesting world backdrop and a story going on with the war, but it is not talked about at all, and instead focuses on a leather clad, bar owner/bounty hunter. It is very obvious from the beginning that there is only one reason this movie was made, and that is to gawk at Pamela Anderson. There is a loose plot about special contact lenses, but the main character really dont give a fuck about any of it until the very very end of movie. It is by no means good, but probably served its purpose in a pre Internet world.

Drinking Games:

– Drink every time Barb Wire kills someone without using a gun
– Drink every time there is a retinal scan
– Drink every time you recognize an actor, but don’t know their name
– Drink every time you see Barb Wire topless (use your best judgement on this, because the opening credits could in fact kill you)

Podcast Intro —
Music from
“Sonata 17” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Podcast Interlude —
Music from
“Narcissus” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
