Dollar Binema – Episode 14 – Evil Bong

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Dec 27 2021

Happy Day-After-Boxing-Day, it’s our Halloween special! After much mentioning, we finally rolled the “cult” “classic” “Evil Bong”. This stoner, um…. comedy? is definitely a movie, and is definitely another Full Moon production full of self referential content, strippers, and puppets. It has also spawned something in the neighborhood of 7 sequels, which isn’t at all concerning.

The film opens with a stereotypical nerdmeister meeting his new college roommates, all of which are also stereotypical one-dimensional characters. Before too long, one of them sees an ad for a giant bong in a magazine and orders it. Shortly after they start smoking from it and, one by one, the evil bong transports the smokers to, I kid you not, an evil strip club. In this club there are numerous Full Moon cameos, including multiple masturbating puppets; the strippers then proceed to kill the smokers with increasingly odd carnivorous bras. Eventually, Tommy Chong shows up and helps to save the day from the evil talking bong and amazingly all the people killed by the bong come back to life and Tommy Chong plays with toy cars on topless strippers. I think you can now see why one would need to be on something to fully appreciate this movie.

Proposed Drinking Games:
— Drink when someone lights a joint or bong
— Drink when someone says monkey
— Drink every time the movie grossly misrepresents how people act when they are high

Podcast Intro —
Music from
“Sonata 17” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Podcast Interlude —
Music from
“Narcissus” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
